速報APP / 個人化 / Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本



聯絡地址:Via Beruto 1, 20100 Milano

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖1)-速報App

A whole hi-tech pad, engineered to give all the most important infos concerning your smart phone at a glance and without the need of unlocking it.

Energy and power are managed to give you visual feed-back of the most important parameters such as battery charge, unread sms and missed calls.

Eneregy is focused in glowing areas and orbs to let your eyes immediatly realize where your attention is needed.

Enjoy this go locker theme!

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖2)-速報App


To use this theme you need to have installed the Go Locker app (for free) on your device!!!

Main features:

- four distinct lock-handles to interact with

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖3)-速報App

- lost calls and unread sms visual feedback

- Battery Low and Charging animations

- Time, Ring and Date support

- Customizable function button

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖4)-速報App

To enable the Hi-Tech Theme follow these steps:

- Download and install Go Locker from Google Play,

- Do the same with Hi-Tech Theme

- Start Go Locker

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖5)-速報App

- Tap the "Installed" label on the upper menu to see the themes installed on your device

- Tap the Hi-Tech Theme Icon

- Tap the apply button lower right

- Enjoy Hi-Tech theme!!!

Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖6)-速報App

And remember: even if sometimes it could appear quite fullfilling as a first solution, giving a bad feedback is often less useful than contacting the support to find a satisfing solution to your issues!


Hi-Tech Go Locker Theme(圖7)-速報App